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to make actual or real

to turn into action

to make potential into reality



Founded in humanistic psychology, the term self-actualization describes the natural human tendency to strive toward one’s full potential. Self-actualized individuals often have a sense of self-acceptance, a higher frequency of fulfilling experiences, improved interpersonal relationships, and a strong motivation toward personal growth and meaning-making. At Actualize Psychological Services, we are committed to empowering clients through evidence-based, action-oriented, and goal-driven counselling.

Personal & Performance Counselling 

Whether due to situational stress, traumatic events, or ongoing mental health conditions, Actualize is committed to helping clients identify unhelpful patterns and learning the skills to change them! We help professionals, people pleasers, and high achievers in combatting patterns of self-doubt, guilt, shame, codependency, and chronic over-functioning.

Evidence Based Treatment

Actualize Psychological Services is dedicated to providing evidence-based treatments. We offer treatments that have been researched and scientifically proven to be effective for anxiety, panic disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and more.

The organism has one basic tendency
and striving - to actualize, maintain, and enhance experiencing.

Carl Rogers