Individual Counselling
Dr. Lauren is a cognitive-behavioural therapist and has worked with hundreds of individual adult clients - each with unique concerns, mental health conditions, identities, and cultural backgrounds. Click to learn more about how Dr. Lauren can help YOU!
Therapy for Therapists
Therapists need good therapy too! Dr. Lauren has worked with many therapists as clients - including registered psychologists, provisional psychologists, social workers, professional counsellors, and graduate students aspiring to be therapists. Are you a current or aspiring therapist? Click to learn more!
Athlete Mental Health & Individual Sport Performance Counselling
Dr. Lauren is a passionate advocate for athlete mental health. Elite athletes and retired athletes have unique concerns and needs. Dr. Lauren has a background in sport coaching and sport research that can help!
Group Mental Skills Training & Sport Psychology Seminars
For athletes, developing mental strength is equally important as developing physical strength. Athletes need to be taught the mental skills to adequately control their nerves and anxiety in order to perform their best in competitive settings.
We cannot change, we cannot move away from what we are, until we thoroughly accept what we are. Then change seems to come about almost unnoticed.